Example 1: Sample Entropy
Import a signal of normally distributed random numbers [mean = 0; SD = 1], and calculate the
sample entropy for each embedding dimension (m
) from 0 to 4.
X = ExampleData("gaussian");
Samp = SampEn(X, 'm', 4)
>>> Samp = 1x5
2.1789, 2.1757, 2.1819, 2.2209, 2.1756
Select the last value to get the sample entropy for m
= 4.
>>> ans = 2.1756
Calculate the sample entropy for each embedding dimension (m
) from 0 to 4 with
a time delay (tau
) of 2 samples.
[Samp, Phi1, Phi2] = SampEn(X, 'm', 4, 'tau', 2)
>>> Samp = 1x5
2.1789 2.1833 2.1880 2.1892 2.1441