EntropyHub: Python

Links to installation files: GitHub || PyPi

Requirements & Installation:

There are several package dependencies which will be installed alongside EntropyHub (if not already installed):
  • Numpy

  • Scipy

  • Matplotlib

  • PyEMD

  • Requests

EntropyHub was designed using Python3 and thus is not intended for use with Python2. Python versions > 3.6 are required for using EntropyHub.

There are 2 ways to install EntropyHub for Python. Method 1 is strongly recommended.

Method 1:

  1. Using pip in your python IDE, type:

    pip install EntropyHub

Method 2:

  1. Download the EntropyHub.x.x.x.tar.gz folder from the EntropyHub PyPI repo (or the EntropyHub GitHub repo) and unzip it.

    ../_images/pyscreen1.png ../_images/pyscreen2.png
  2. Open a command terminal (cmd on Windows, terminal on Mac) or use the Anaconda prompt if you use Anaconda as your python package distribution.

  3. In the command prompt/terminal, navigate to the directory where you saved and extracted the .tar.gz folder.

  4. Enter the following in the command line:

    python setup.py install
  • Ensure that an up-to-date version of setuptools is installed:

    python -m pip install --upgrade setuptools

To use EntropyHub, import the module with the following command,

import EntropyHub

or in abbreviated form,

import EntropyHub as EH

To check that EntropyHub has imported correctly, type:


     ___  _   _  _____  _____  ____  ____  _     _
    |  _|| \ | ||_   _||     \|    ||    || \   / |   ___________
    | \_ |  \| |  | |  |   __/|    ||  __| \ \_/ /   /  _______  \
    |  _|| \ \ |  | |  |   \  |    || |     \   /   |  /  ___  \  |
    | \_ | |\  |  | |  | |\ \ |    || |      | |    | |  /   \  | |
    |___||_| \_|  |_|  |_| \_||____||_|      |_|   _|_|__\___/  | |
    _   _  _   _  ____                           / |__\______\/  |
    | | | || | | ||    \     An open-source      |  /\______\__|_/
    | |_| || | | ||    |     toolkit for         | |  /   \  | |
    |  _  || | | ||    \     entropic time-      | |  \___/  | |
    | | | || |_| ||     \    series analysis     |  \_______/  |
    |_| |_|\_____/|_____/                         \___________/

Documentation & Help:

A key advantage of EntropyHub is the comprehensive documentation available to help users to make the most of the toolkit. One can simply access the docstrings of a function (like any Python function) by typing help FunctionName, e.g. help SampEn in the command line which will print the docstrings.

All information on the EntropyHub package is detailed in the EntropyHub Guide, a .pdf document available to download here.

The Python API subsections outline the syntax for each base, cross-, multiscale, multiscale-cross, and bidimensional entropy Python function.