Example 10: Bidimensional Fuzzy Entropy

Import an image of a Mandelbrot fractal as a matrix.

X = EH.ExampleData('mandelbrot_Mat');

from matplotlib.pyplot import imshow, show

imshow(X, cmap = 'hot'), show()

Calculate the bidimensional fuzzy entropy in trits (logarithm base 3) with a template matrix of size [8 x 5], and a time delay (tau) of 2 using a 'linear' fuzzy function with distances linearly normalised to the range [0, 1]:

\[f(x) = exp(- \frac{x - x_{min}}{x_{max} - x_{min}})\]
FE2D = EH.FuzzEn2D(X, m = (8, 5), tau = 2, Fx = 'linear', r = 0, Logx = 3)

>>> FE2D =