Python Functions:
EntropyHub functions fall into 8 categories:
- Base
functions for estimating the entropy of a single univariate time series.
- Cross
functions for estimating the entropy between two univariate time series.
- Multivariate
functions for estimating the entropy of a multivariate dataset.
- Bidimensional
functions for estimating the entropy of a two-dimensional univariate matrix.
- Multiscale
functions for estimating the multiscale entropy of a single univariate time series using any of the Base entropy functions.
- Multiscale Cross
functions for estimating the multiscale entropy between two univariate time series using any of the Cross-entropy functions.
- Multiscale Multivariate
functions for estimating the multivariate multiscale entropy of multivariate dataset using any of the Multivariate-entropy functions.
- Other
Supplementary functions for various tasks related to EntropyHub and signal processing.
When new entropies are published in the scientific literature, efforts will be made to incorporate them in future releases.
For concision, function commands written in the following sections using Python syntax exclude the module prefix which would otherwise be required,
i.e. EntropyHub.SampEn()
is written as SampEn()
Python functions in EntropyHub are based primarily on the Numpy package.
Arguments shown in python functions with the np.
prefix refer to numpy functions.
Base Entropies:
Entropy Type |
Function Name |
Approximate Entropy |
ApEn |
Sample Entropy |
SampEn |
Fuzzy Entropy |
FuzzEn |
Kolmogorov Entropy |
K2En |
Permutation Entropy |
PermEn |
Conditional Entropy |
CondEn |
Distribution Entropy |
DistEn |
Spectral Entropy |
SpecEn |
Dispersion Entropy |
DispEn |
Symbolic Dynamic Entropy |
SyDyEn |
Increment Entropy |
IncrEn |
Cosine Similarity Entropy |
CoSiEn |
Phase Entropy |
PhasEn |
Slope Entropy |
SlopEn |
Bubble Entropy |
BubbEn |
Gridded Distribution Entropy |
GridEn |
Entropy of Entropy |
EnofEn |
Attention Entropy |
AttnEn |
Diversity Entropy |
DivEn |
Range Entropy |
RangEn |
Cross Entropies:
Entropy Type |
Function Name |
Cross-Approximate Entropy |
XApEn |
Cross-Sample Entropy |
XSampEn |
Cross-Fuzzy Entropy |
XFuzzEn |
Cross-Kolmogorov Entropy |
XK2En |
Cross-Permutation Entropy |
XPermEn |
Cross-Conditional Entropy |
XCondEn |
Cross-Distribution Entropy |
XDistEn |
Cross-Spectral Entropy |
XSpecEn |
Multivariate Entropies:
Entropy Type |
Function Name |
Multivariate Sample Entropy |
MvSampEn |
Multivariate Fuzzy Entropy |
MvFuzzEn |
Multivariate Permutation Entropy |
MvPermEn |
Multivariate Dispersion Entropy |
MvDispEn |
Multivariate Cosine Similarity Entropy |
MvCoSiEn |
Bidimensional Entropies:
Entropy Type |
Function Name |
Bidimensional Sample Entropy |
SampEn2D |
Bidimensional Fuzzy Entropy |
FuzzEn2D |
Bidimensioanl Distribution Entropy |
DistEn2D |
Bidimensioanl Dispersion Entropy |
DispEn2D |
Bidimensioanl Permutation Entropy |
PermEn2D |
Bidimensioanl Espinosa Entropy |
EspEn2D |
Multiscale Entropies:
Entropy Type |
Function Name |
Multiscale Entropy |
MSEn |
Composite Multiscale Entropy (+ Refined-Composite Multiscale Entropy) |
cMSEn |
Refined Multiscale Entropy |
rMSEn |
Hierarchical Multiscale Entropy |
hMSEn |
Multiscale Cross-Entropies:
Entropy Type |
Function Name |
Multiscale Cross-Entropy |
Composite Multiscale Cross-Entropy (+ Refined-Composite Multiscale Cross-Entropy) |
cXMSEn |
Refined Multiscale Cross-Entropy |
rXMSEn |
Hierarchical Multiscale Cross-Entropy |
hXMSEn |
Multivariate Multiscale Entropies:
Entropy Type |
Function Name |
Multivariate Multiscale Entropy |
MvMSEn |
Composite (+ Refined-Composite) Multivariate Multiscale Entropy |
cMvMSEn |
Other Functions:
Function Description |
Function Name |
Example dataset import tool |
ExampleData |
Windowing tool (for data segmentation) |
WindowData |