Example 4: Cross-Distribution Entropy w/ Different Binning Methods

Import a signal of pseudorandom integers in the range [1, 8] and calculate the cross- distribution entropy with an embedding dimension (m) of 5, a time delay (tau) of 3, and Sturges’ bin selection method.

X = EH.ExampleData('randintegers2');
XDist, _ = EH.XDistEn(X[:,0], X[:,1], m = 5, tau = 3)

>>> Note: 17/25 bins were empty
>>> XDist =

Use Rice’s method to determine the number of histogram bins and return the probability of each bin (Ppi).

XDist, Ppi = EH.XDistEn(X[:,0], X[:,1], m = 5, tau = 3, Bins = 'rice')

>>> Note: 407/415 bins were empty
>>> XDist =
>>> Ppi =
    array([0.0000 0.0047 0.0368 0.1096 0.1978 0.2558 0.2421 0.1531])